Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Business Analysis - Research Paper Example During their stay at the hotel they visit Bourbon Steak. Lots of flying premium category business people also chose this restaurant for their foods and beverages. The classy nature of the restaurant is significantly suitable with its target market. Signature coking style of the restaurant is also perfectly matched with the segment of target customers. The restaurant has bar facility (The Westin St. Francis, 2014). The facility of the bar has helped Bourbon Steak to attract the customer when they are in drinking mood. Prices of the menus in the restaurant are on the higher side it shows that target customers of the restaurants are generally not price sensitive in nature. Characteristics of the targeted customers are trendy, corporate and professional lifestyle oriented. Being premium business class people target customers are formal in nature. Here in this restaurant, target market is the premium business class people. Their expectations are to get state of the art facilities from the restaurant. Being a supreme business destination both global and local business people are the target markets of Bourbon Steak. Several business people from San Francisco and its surrounding areas are generally being targeted. Online booking system in the restaurant can target business people around the world. Target market of the restaurant is significantly structured in nature. They believe in structured frame work of the restaurant which is there in Bourbon Steak. Premium business class customers of the restaurant always search for the perfection in dining facilities which is suitable with the services available in the restaurant. Target customers of the restaurant belong to the business fraternity and manage lots of social relationship with the other business people. Positive campaigning through word of mouth about the restaurant by the target market is also a significant positive aspect which increases the customer base of the restaurant. The business executives often conduct

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